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Create a Simple Service

In this page, we will generate and implement a simple gRPC service. In the following section, we will add the reverse proxy and the HTTP bindings.

Echo service

For the sake of this quick tour, let's create the following proto file.

syntax = "proto3";

package echo;

option go_package = "demo/echo";

message EchoRequest {
    string text = 1;
    bool capitalize = 2;

message EchoResponse {
    string text = 1;

service EchoService {
    // Echo returns the received text and make it louder too!
    rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);


Buf is a tool that simplifies the development and consumption of Protobuf APIs. One of the features of Buf is managing dependencies and building proto files.

If you decide to use Buf, follow the instructions below or go to the protoc tab to see instructions using protoc.

Let's create a buf.gen.yaml with the following content:

version: v1
  - out: gen
    name: go

  - out: gen
    name: go-grpc

  - out: gen
    name: grpc-api-gateway

  - out: gen
    name: openapiv3

Now generate the artifacts using:

$ buf generate

You should see generated files inside gen directory.

$ protoc \
    --go_out=gen \
    --go-grpc_out=gen \
    --grpc-api-gateway_out=gen \
    --openapiv3_out=gen \

You should see generated files inside gen directory.


It might be a good idea to utilize Makefiles to avoid having to type a long command over and over.

Implementing the service

How about we set up our go module first:

$ go mod init demo

The following main.go implements the Echo service and starts a gRPC server on port 40000:

package main

import (


type Service struct {

func (Service) Echo(
    ctx context.Context,
    req *echo.EchoRequest) (*echo.EchoResponse, error) {

    response := &echo.EchoResponse{
        Text: req.Text,

    if req.Capitalize {
        response.Text = strings.ToUpper(response.Text)

    return response, nil

func main() {
    listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":40000")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %s", err)

    server := grpc.NewServer()
    echo.RegisterEchoServiceServer(server, Service{})

    if err := server.Serve(listener); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("gRPC server failed: %v", err)

Running the service

Let us run it and check that it works okay:

$ go mod tidy
$ go run .

If everything looks good, let's go to the next part and add the HTTP bindings!