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OpenAPI DocumentationΒΆ

OpenAPI documentation is already generated for our service. However, we might like to change a few things in this document.

In this page we will customize our OpenAPI document for this Echo service.

Refer to Reference to learn more about all of the customizations.

Similar to defining HTTP bindings, you can opt to use the annotations and directly define options in the proto files or use configuration files.

# ... omitted gateway spec for brevity.

  document: #(1)!
      title: 'Echo Service'
      version: 'v0.0.1-alpha1'

    - selector: '~.EchoService' #(2)!
        Echo: #(3)!
            url: ''
            description: 'Even more documentation!'

    - selector: 'EchoRequest' #(4)!
          description: "Text is the input text"
          max_length: "24"
  1. document allows you to customize the resulting OpenAPI document for this proto file. We will use it to set title and version here.
  2. Similar to the selector we defined in the HTTP bindings, this is a dotted path to the service and ~ resolves to the current proto package.
  3. Defining external_docs in the OpenAPI document only for the HTTP endpoints that are bound to the Echo gRPC method.
  4. Similar to the selector we had to define for the service, however here we point to a message to customize schema for this proto message. In this case, to set custom description and include additional validation details.
syntax = "proto3";

package echo;

import "meshapi/gateway/annotations.proto";

option go_package = "demo/echo";
option (meshapi.gateway.openapi_doc) = { //(1)!
    info: {
        title: 'Echo Service',
        version: 'v0.0.1-alpha1'

message EchoRequest {
    string text = 1 [
        (meshapi.gateway.openapi_field) = { //(2)!
            description: 'Text is the input text',
            max_length: '24'
    bool capitalize = 2;

message EchoResponse {
    string text = 1;

service EchoService {
    // Echo returns the received text and make it louder too!
    rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {
        option (meshapi.gateway.http) = {
            get: '/echo/{text}'
            additional_bindings: [
                post: '/echo',
                body: '*'

        option (meshapi.gateway.openapi_operation) = { //(3)!
            external_docs: {
                url: '',
                description: 'Even more documentation!'
  1. This option allows you to customize the resulting OpenAPI document for this proto file. We will use it to set title and version here.
  2. This option allows you to customize the schema generated for this field in the resulting OpenAPI document. Here we add custom description and extra validation details.
  3. This option can be used to customize operation for HTTP endpoints bound to this gRPC method. Here, defining external_docs in the OpenAPI document only for the HTTP endpoints that are bound to the Echo gRPC method.

Now you can re-generate using either Buf or protoc directly and notice the changes in the generated OpenAPI file.

That's it for our quick guide!