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Plug-in OptionsΒΆ

gRPC API Gateway protoc plug-in has a number of options. Table below lists them all.

allow_delete_body By default, HTTP DELETE methods may not include a body unless explicitly specified. false
allow_patch_feature Determines whether to use PATCH feature involving update masks (using google.protobuf.FieldMask). true
config_search_path The gateway config search path is the directory (relative or absolute) from the current working directory that contains the gateway config files. See Search Path for more information. .
gateway_config Specifies the path to the global gateway config file that is loaded first. This file can contain bindings for any service. no default
gateway_config_pattern The gateway file pattern (excluding the extension) used to load a gateway config file for each proto file. The extensions .yaml, .yml, and .json will be tried in that order. See Filename Pattern to learn more. {{.Path}}_gateway
generate_local Experimental Generates code to directly use the server implementation instead of using gRPC clients false
generate_unbound_methods Determines whether unannotated RPC methods should be included in the proxy. Methods without explicit HTTP bindings will default to POST and will have the route pattern /<grpc-service>/<method>. false
log_file If specified, plug-in writes all logs to this file instead. no default
log_level Sets the log level, levels: warning, info, trace and silent warning
omit_package_doc If true, no package comment will be included in the generated code false
register_func_suffix Used to construct names of generated Register*<Suffix> methods. Handler
repeated_path_param_separator Configures how repeated fields should be split. Allowed values are csv, pipes, ssv and tsv. csv
request_context Determine whether to use HTTP request's context or not. true
standalone Generates a standalone gateway package, which imports the target service package false
warn_on_unbound_methods Emits a warning message if an RPC method has no mapping. false