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One of the main motivations for this project was to support streaming aspects of gRPC in the HTTP Gateway as well.


This feature and API is fairly new and while it functions, it has not been put in a high latency production environment and is not battle-tested. Conduct your own tests and experiments to ensure it is a good fit for your project and needs.

Streaming Modes

There are three different supported modes of streaming. It is recommended to read the documentation for the streaming modes that you plan on using to ensure you are aware of all features and behaviors.

Streaming Mode Description HTTP Method
Server-Sent Events (SSE) Using SSE, client subscribes to an event stream and server sends events (messages) to the client. GET
WebSocket Using WebSocket both client and server can send messages. GET
Chunked-Transfer It is a way to stream a message in multiple chunks but is subject to short time out. *

1. Server-sent events (SSE)

Server-sent events (SSE) is a standard for enabling servers to push real-time updates to clients over a single, long-lived HTTP connection. Unlike WebSockets, which allow for bidirectional communication, SSE provides a simpler, one-way communication channel from the server to the client.

With SSE, the server can continuously send updates to the client as new data becomes available, making it ideal for applications that require real-time notifications, such as live feeds, news updates, or stock price tickers. Clients subscribe to the stream by opening a persistent HTTP connection and can receive automatic updates without the need for repeated polling.

Key features of SSE include:

  • Simple Implementation: SSE uses standard HTTP protocols, making it easy to implement and compatible with existing web infrastructure.
  • Automatic Reconnection: Built-in support for automatic reconnection in case the connection drops.
  • Event Identification: Supports event IDs, allowing clients to track the last received event and resume from where they left off.

To use SSE, the client simply opens a connection to an endpoint that delivers events, and the server streams text-based event data, typically in the form of plain text or JSON.

You can use SSE for any gRPC method as long as:

  1. Server returns a stream which includes server-streaming and bidirectional modes.
  2. HTTP method is GET


Even though bidirectional gRPC methods are accepted and can be used, it's important to note that while requests can be streamed to the server using Chunked-Transfer, SSE is server-streaming only. As a result, the client cannot arbitrarily send messages. It can stream its request and then wait for server to push messages.

Note on closing the stream

When using SSEs in the browser, if the connection gets closed for virtually any reason other than the client closing the stream, browser tries to establish the connection again.

For this reason, IF the gRPC server implementation closes the stream, an End-of-stream (EOS) message gets pushed by the server to indicate that the server has reached the end of the stream and that there are no more events. To handle this correctly, you will need to close the stream upon receiving this message. This message can be customized if you prefer to send a different content instead.

The default EOS has ID EOS with Event EOS and no data.

id: EOS
event: EOS

To use a custom EOS message:

gateway.NewServeMux(gateway.WithSSEConfig(gateway.SSEConfig{EndOfStreamMessage: nil}))


const notificationsSource = new EventSource("/notifications");

notificationsSource.onmessage = (event) => {
  console.log(`New Event: ${}`)

notificationsSource.addEventListener('EOS', (event) => {
  console.log(`End of stream received, server does not want to send more events. Closing the event source.`);


If your gRPC method implementation is designed to end the stream, you might benefit from re-evaluating whether or not SSE is the right choice for your specific need.

Custom Events

One of the features of the SSE is the ability to push messages with specific event names. At the present moment, all SSE messages (save for the EOS message) get no event or id value. In future, you will be able to use gRPC metadata to specify these properties but this is not possible presently.

Because of this all messages will be received using the onmessage handler if you are using JavaScript in the browser:

const eventSource = new EventSource("/path/to/endpoint");

eventSource.onmessage = (event) => {
  // event.message

Important Note for HTTP 1.1


When not used over HTTP/2, SSE suffers from a limitation to the maximum number of open connections, which can be especially painful when opening multiple tabs, as the limit is per browser and is set to a very low number (6).

The issue has been marked as "Won't fix" in Chrome and Firefox. This limit is per browser + domain, which means that you can open 6 SSE connections across all of the tabs to and another 6 SSE connections to (per Stackoverflow).

When using HTTP/2, the maximum number of simultaneous HTTP streams is negotiated between the server and the client (defaults to 100).

Error Handling

If an error is returned by the server, that error gets handled using the SSEErrorHandlerFunc and the connection will be closed. If you would like to communicate errors without closing the connection, include that error structure into your proto response messages.

By default, the error received from the server gets marshaled and sent to the client. To customize this behavior and use your own error handler for SSE connections, use WithSSEErrorHandler option:


Using outside of browsers

Server-sent events can be used outside of browsers as well. Reading specification of SSE is the best way to learn how to correctly use this feature. However, to use the SSE streaming mode, send Accept: text/event-stream header in your HTTP request.

2. WebSockets

WebSockets is a communication protocol providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. It allows real-time data transfer between clients and servers with low latency, enabling interactive web applications such as live chat, streaming, and multiplayer games. WebSockets are initiated through an HTTP handshake and then upgraded to a persistent connection, facilitating efficient data exchange.

While WebSocket sounds like an ideal choice for streaming, there are some common limitations and challenges of using WebSockets:

  • Scalability: Managing a large number of concurrent WebSocket connections can be resource-intensive and complex, requiring robust server infrastructure and load balancing strategies.

  • Network Issues: WebSocket connections can be susceptible to interruptions due to network instability, requiring efficient reconnection strategies to maintain a seamless user experience.

  • Security: Ensuring secure WebSocket communication involves implementing measures such as encryption (TLS/SSL), authentication, and protection against common attacks like cross-site WebSocket hijacking.

  • Browser Compatibility: While most modern browsers support WebSockets, some older versions may not, necessitating fallback mechanisms like long polling or Server-Sent Events (SSE).

  • Firewall and Proxy Restrictions: Some firewalls and proxies may block or interfere with WebSocket traffic, requiring additional configurations to allow WebSocket connections.

  • Error Handling: Properly managing and handling errors and edge cases in WebSocket communication is crucial for maintaining application stability and providing a good user experience.

  • State Management: Keeping track of client state across WebSocket connections can be challenging, especially in distributed systems or applications requiring high availability and fault tolerance.

Enabling WebSockets

To enable the gRPC API Gateway to support a WebSocket interface for your gRPC streaming API while allowing you to choose and manage the technology used for connections, an indirection is employed.

By default, the gateway does not include a WebSocket handler. You will need to provide a custom connection upgrader that handles message sending and receiving. This approach allows you to manage aspects such as authorization, compression, and other WebSocket-specific concerns. The gRPC API Gateway functions as a mapping library, not a WebSocket library. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with various WebSocket libraries, giving you the flexibility to choose the one that best fits your needs.


gorilla/websocket is a popular Go implementation of the WebSocket protocol. There is a rudimentary wrapper for integrating this library with the gRPC API Gateway. This wrapper is used in all the examples in this section.

To use this wrapper:

go get

To enable WebSockets in your gateway, use WithWebSocketUpgrader option:


The upgrader function has the following signature:

func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (websocket.Connection, error)


Below is an example using the gorilla/websocket library:

import (
  ws ""


// ...

upgrader := websocket.Upgrader{
    CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
        return true // NB: not ideal for production code.

websocketUpgradeFunc := gateway.WebsocketUpgradeFunc(
    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (ws.Connection, error) {
        connection, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) //(1)!
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("ws error: %s", err)
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to upgrade: %w", err)

        return gorillawrapper.New(connection), nil //(2)!

grpcGateway := gateway.NewServeMux(gateway.WithWebsocketUpgrader(websocketUpgradeFunc))
  1. WebSocket connection is prepared here using the WebSocket library of choice.
  2. A thin adaptor is used to wrap the WebSocket connection only to return a ws.Connection type.


If no WebSocket upgrader is specified using WithWebSocketUpgrader, all requests asking for a WebSocket protocol upgrade receive an error indicating the streaming method is not supported.

Error Handling

If an error occurs while receiving or sending messages, a WebSocket-specific error handler will be invoked with the encountered error. After handling the error, both the WebSocket connection and the gRPC streams will be closed. Consequently, a reconnection will be required to resume sending or receiving messages.

To communicate an error without closing or interrupting the connection, you should include an error structure in your proto response messages.

3. Chunked Transfer

Chunked Transfer is a streaming method but unlike the other streaming modes, it is not long-lived. This mode can be used to stream a large message in chunks. For instance, say a user wants to load a large number of items. Fetching these items does not take long but sending them over the wire does. You can benefit from Chunked-Transfer to process items as they are received by using Chunked-Transfer encoding.

Error Handling

Similar to the other methods, if any error is encountered, the stream get interrupted immediately and the error handler gets called. To use a custom error handler logic, use WithStreamErrorHandler option:


Toggles / Disable streaming

All streaming modes are enabled by default. Note that enabled here does not mean they are available, just that they are allowed so that when the conditions are met, they are allowed to be used.

WebSockets can only be requested on endpoints with GET method and you need to have added an Upgrader to use the WebSockets streaming mode. Server-sent events (SSE) need to be GET endpoints and require Accept header with text/event-streaming in the request.

To disable a specific streaming mode for an endpoint binding, use the Stream config.


Imagine an endpoint for chatting. This method is bidirectional streaming and can accept Chunked-Transfer encoding or Server-sent events but it does not make sense for it to do so because with Chunked-Transfer, we cannot have a long-lived connection and with SSE, client cannot send messages to the server.

    - get: "/chat"
      selector: "~.ChatService.StartChat"
        disable_sse: true
        disable_chunked_transfer: true
service ChatService {
    rpc StartChat(ChatRequest) returns (ChatResponse) {
        option (meshapi.gateway.http) = {
            get: "/chat",
            stream: {
              disable_sse: true,
              disable_chunked_transfer: true

Now, these endpoint bindings do NOT accept SSE or Chunked-Transfer and return streaming not supported error.